Logistics Dashboard
More about the data analyzed:
Time to ship: Time elapsed between the order date and when the package is handed over to the carrier but not yet shipped. Calculated as the difference between the order date and the shipping date.
Time to 1st presentation: Time from shipping date to the first delivery attempt or pickup availability. Calculated as the difference between the shipping date and:
The delivery
Or pickup point deposit
Or first failed attempt date
Time to delivery: Time from shipment to final delivery into the hands of the customer. Calculate as the difference between shipping date and the delivery.
Time to possession: Time between the order date and the final delivery into the hands of the customer. Calculated as Time to ship + Time to delivery.
Time to pickup point retrieval: Time from pickup point deposit to retrieval by the customer at pickup point. Calculate as the difference between pickup point deposit and delivery (when customers have picked up the package).